ERCO Worldwide has a long, varied and colourful history of which we are very proud. Our roots go back to the 1890s, to Canada’s early years as a nation and to the beginnings of electro-chemistry as an industrial process. The ERCO story is one of breakthrough science, successive innovations, bold developments and global growth; but also, one of remarkable continuity. We have been fortunate to be led by a succession of remarkable leaders who have provided vision and steady guidance for decades on end.

We have put down permanent roots in nearly all of the places where we have purchased or opened production facilities. This includes our founding location in Buckingham, Quebec, which began producing in 1893 and which remains in operation today. Many of our employees and their families, too, have a rich history with ERCO. They include an employee in Buckingham who is a fourth-generation ERCO worker – his great-grandfather started working at the facility shortly after it started.


Timeline at a Glance

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