ERCO’s relationship with our suppliers is critical to the success of our business. When selecting and assessing suppliers, we look for business partners that conduct their business in a manner similar to our own with a commitment to high ethical standards, safe and healthy working environments, protecting human rights, preserving the environment, and regulatory compliance. Our team is always seeking innovation and value in ever-smarter ways. We call this approach $MART BUY!

Health & Safety

At ERCO, safety really does come first. We talk about safety and people before finances, and we start all team meetings with a safety discussion.

This is why we are proud to demonstrate our safety leadership by sharing a database of safety moments with our existing and prospective suppliers. We encourage you to build a strong safety culture within your organization, and to work with us towards zero safety incidents.

Supplier Recognition

At ERCO, we like to see our suppliers doing the right thing and we strive to recognize safe work and business excellence. That is why we encourage our employees to recognize our suppliers on a day-to-day basis.

If you have received an email with our supplier recognition form – congratulations! It means that one of our employees, voluntarily, took time to appreciate the work that you do. We value working with you!

Supplier Sustainability

ERCO suppliers must demonstrate a commitment to high ethical standards, safe and healthy working environments, protection of human rights, preservation of the environment, and regulatory compliance. Our supplier code of conduct outlines our expectations for safe, responsible and ethical management, including caring for workers, our communities and the environment. We require all suppliers to live by this code.

To gain visibility into our supply base, ERCO requires each supplier to complete a qualification form to provide information about their activities, processes, and polices. ERCO uses this information to understand supply risks and opportunities for improvement, in support of our own Quality and Responsible Care® programs.

Work With Us

ERCO buys a wide variety of goods and services in many categories including energy, raw materials, capital, maintenance, professional services, and freight and logistics services, for both our manufacturing operations and offices. Our procurement team is always looking to find innovation and value in ever-smarter ways.

ERCO uses the Coupa Source-to-Pay platform. All suppliers are required to connect to the Coupa Supplier Portal to access multiple benefits. Please reach out to your ERCO contact for an invitation to connect with us on the Coupa Supplier Portal or please contact us at

Coupa Supplier Portal (CSP)

Through the CSP, suppliers can view and manage purchase orders, create and submit invoices, and manage catalogs.

Supplier Information

Suppliers can update information based on forms sent through Coupa by ERCO, including payment details and supplier sustainability information.

Viewing Purchase Orders

ERCO purchase orders are viewable and actionable from the Coupa Supplier Portal.

Creating a Catalog

ERCO uses catalogs in Coupa to ensure user compliance to preferred supplier goods and services. Suppliers can manage their catalog content directly in the Coupa Supplier Portal.

For support using the Coupa Supplier Portal, please refer to this guide.

Check Invoice Status

Live access to your organization’s invoice status is one of the many benefits of joining the Coupa Supplier Portal. Invoice payment status can be accessed via the Invoices tab by selecting the Payment Information view.

If you do not have access to the Coupa Supplier Portal, please ask your ERCO contact to send you an invitation.